THE MITZVAH OF MEZUZAH: 1 The word ‘mezuzah really means ‘doorpost’, but the term has come to represent the mitzvah in general as well as
These tefillin are owned by someone who would like to give them to a bar mitzvah bochur. People often come to me to check an
If you are in the process of building or buying a house, consider purchasing your mezuzos from me and hiring me to professionally install them
The ח in the word חמר is so poorly written it defies explanation as to how it was sold as a kosher set of tefillin.
This is a picture of a megillah that has been sold. Although I may not be able to get something from the same sofer, you
The second zayin ז in the word mezuzos מזוזות was read as a dalit ד by the child, rendering the mezuzah posel (invalid).
Here is a beautifully written Asher Yatzer on klaf. It is 8.5 inches wide by 9.4 inches high. It’s cost is $170 and since it
I feel very fortunate to be able to be involved in creating kosher tefillin which are used throughout the world. It is especially meaningful that
Hi Rabbi. I receive the package. The tefillin are beautiful. The retzuot feel soft and I like that they are black on both sides so
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