A happy Bar Mitzvah Boy Makes My Day
I was shopping for Shabbos this morning and one of my customers came up to me and said to me, “Rabbi Michaels, when my son
I was shopping for Shabbos this morning and one of my customers came up to me and said to me, “Rabbi Michaels, when my son
For $10 you will never again lose the cover for shel yad! I have to admit that originally I was skeptical about this little rubber
How can it be that someone walks into a Judaica store, purchases a mezuzah for $30 or a set of tefillin for $250, and after
Gemara Berachos 30b Thanks go to Artscroll for graciously allowing me to use sections from the Artscroll Gemara.
The sun is as bad as the rain when it comes to your mezuzos. This mezuzah was outside in a clear case. The case became
Giant sized mezuzos can be a good way to really get into the mitzvah of mezuzos because they are so easy to notice when you
Mezuzah cases are not the most complicated thing in the world, but they do need to be well designed. There must be enough room for
Here are some nice megillah cases that come made to order in various sizes all the way up to 25 inches. The tube is wrapped
The tefillin parshios that you see were written on two separate pieces of klaf and spliced together. Ideally the parshios of the tefillin shel yad
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