Installation Services For Newly Built Homes
If you are in the process of building or buying a house, consider purchasing your mezuzos from me and hiring me to professionally install them
If you are in the process of building or buying a house, consider purchasing your mezuzos from me and hiring me to professionally install them
Mezuzah cases are not the most complicated thing in the world, but they do need to be well designed. There must be enough room for
Wow! These tefillin battim are damaged very seriously. There is no way to fix them. Even if they would be gassos battim which can often
It just so happens that this mezuzah needs to be very low. This sweet child understands exactly what to do.
The Klatzcos have a very old sefer torah that they use for a Shabbos minyan in their home. They keep it in a very beautiful
The shulchan aruch divides the halachos into two cases. The first is that a drop of ink falls on a letter and the letter is
A customer brought this to me. He bought it on eBay for$80. They described as being four hundred years old. He wants to know if
Check out this very scary article article about a counterfeit mezuzah factory in Israel: Posted from WordPress for Android
Rabbi Michaels meeting with Rabbi Senter, the head of the Kaf-K kashrus organization. I was privileged to check Rabbi Senter’s tefillin and mezuzos, from both his
This Sefer Torah is ready for a siyum. It costs $27,000 not including the mantel, the eitz chaim, or the services of a sofer at
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